"My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms in the vineyards of En Gedi." ~Song of Songs 1:14

En Gedi is a lush oasis in Israel where henna is grown. En Gedi Henna is my own little oasis in the blogosphere where I can share my love of henna, and all things beautiful, with you!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sit Still!!!

   Saturday night I worked a prom after~party at Dundee High School.   Although it was 12:30 a.m. to 2:00 a.m., I still had a good time. (albeit weary and bloodshot eyed!)  However, the following bears repeating.  Henna paste, when wet, smudges and makes a horrific MESS!!!!!  Hello, teenage boys!!  I'm not using a needle and this won't hurt, but it is not basketball, best buddy, wrestling, rampaging down the halls of the school, proof!!!
  There was a very nice, polite, young man, who wanted to get his great grand dads name on his wrist, with flames running up the forearm.  After much warning and instruction, he left the cafeteria in search of some buddies in the gym.  Twenty minutes later he reappeared with muddy goop smeared all across his arm.  This smudgy, muddy, looking mess will grace his arm for the next two weeks, making him look as if he were in a life or death battle with a half crazed, meth addicted, spray tan airbrush artist.  "Can you fix it?" He asked.  REALLY?!?!?
  There is very little you can do.  I've applied a design and left it on for as little as a minute, and have had a stain that lasts 3-4 days.  If it is a fresh smudge, I will take a cotton swab and alcohol or witch hazel, and wipe the area clean.  That can take care of the worst of it.  (although you can still see a faint trace of light orange.)  But if it's been on for as long as 10 minutes...forget about it!
  So, although I love to do senior all night parties, and after prom parties, I feel it necessary to say it again... SIT STILL UNTIL IT DRIES!!!!


  1. It was a joy having you! Being a mother of 3 teenage boys...they DON'T EVER sit still!!
    Looking forward to next years event....hoping for a larger group, hence longer session...:)
    Thanks again for everything!!!

  2. Thanks Stacey! They were all great kids, and polite. Dundee High should be proud. As far as teenage boys, I totally understand. I have two myself and a third who is almost there! I don't think there's anything in the house that they havent broken!! lol!
